4. Small Steps to Better Health
6. Your Role in Managing Diabetes
6.A movement towards taking charge
6.What is diabetes?
7.Your role in controlling diabetes
8. The Power of Movement
8.The significance of doing exercise in diabetes
8.Looking after your waistline
10.Why your step count matters
10.The role of pedometers
11.Poron insoles: a supportive solution
11.What sort of movement are we talking about?
12. Practical tips for daily activity
12. Diet, Exercise and Diabetes
13.What foods can I eat if I have diabetes?
14.What foods and drinks should I avoid if I have diabetes?
16.When should I eat if I have diabetes?
17.How much can I eat if I have diabetes?
17.Plate method
18.Portion sizes
22. Diabetic Foot: A Brief Guide
22.What is diabetic foot?
23.Why is this important?
24.How can I prevent diabetic foot?
24.How do I check my feet?
24. Checking your feet
26. What am I looking for?
27.Looking after your feet
28.Diabetes, shoes and socks
29.Preventative foot care for diabetics
30. Conclusion
31. References
Small Steps to Better Health
Living with diabetes can sometimes feel a bit overwhelming, and it can be difficult to know how to manage your condition. This time, you’ve made a step in the right direction. Your myhealthkit will empower you to look after your health and provide you with the tools you need to manage your diabetes at home. When it comes to managing diabetes, small steps make tremendous strides over time.1 Staying motivated to stick with self-caring can be very difficult with long term conditions like diabetes. But staying motivated is crucial for success. Research shows us the main barrier to not looking after yourself well is motivation.2
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