Better Health – Small Steps Guide
Small Steps to Better Health
Your Role in Managing Diabetes
A movement towards taking charge
What is diabetes?
Your role in controlling diabetes
The Power of Movement
The significance of doing exercise in diabetes
Looking after your waistline
Why your step count matters
The role of pedometers
Poron insoles: a supportive solution
What sort of movement are we talking about?
Practical tips for daily activity
Diet, Exercise and Diabetes
What foods can I eat if I have diabetes?
What foods and drinks should I avoid if I have diabetes?
When should I eat if I have diabetes?
How much can I eat if I have diabetes?
Plate method
Portion sizes
Diabetic Foot: A Brief Guide
What is diabetic foot?
Why is this important?
How can I prevent diabetic foot?
How do I check my feet?
Checking your feet
What am
I looking for?Looking after your feet
Diabetes, shoes and socks
Preventative foot care for diabetics
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